Friday 4 May 2012

Im alone When you're gone Maliha...


huishh... macam jiwang semacam ja ayataku kat atas nie.. but im not Lesbos oke..!! kawan aku sorang ni sikit punya alim.. ada ka pulak nak jadi lesbo partner aku..>!! whatthefish???

nampak jeaa muka aku garang sombong kan.. sekali post... alahai... jiwang terok teringat kat member rapat aku nih... housemate papermate coffemate.. yang mate mate mate lah... selepass yess piii yemm... ku susulii jalan ini.. yang berliku liku liku...~~ hahahha! ko jangan gelak Mall! aku tampo ko nantyy!!

ye laa..! straight to my point...
Aku ade kawan.. name dia Malihah bt Ramli... bukan ramli beger tuh.. ramli sarip puwn bukann... nie ramli... pokcik ramli la.. yang adew anak name maliha tuu.. muke maliha tu sebijik macam tupai ice age! lagi2 kat telinge die yang dah macam headphone tuh! bhahahaha!! lagi skali aku cakap.. ko jangan gelak sorang2 mal! aku tampo ko nanty!

weyy! aku rindu ko mal!! jiwang tak aku!?? takde mase aku nak jiwang2 ngn ko malihahh!! *lawak ke der : selalu kan.. sy nampak.. budak melayu.. kalau nak baling roket... die slalu buat hahh hahh duluu...* hahaha! name ko buleyh adew dalam lawak ke der mal..! hahaha..

"Dear reader..
I really miss her... She's the closest to me in this house by the way! and she really do care about me more than others... and i want uolls to know that she always asked me whether I've take my breakfast, lunch, and dinner or not.. if i havent take my meal yet, then she will ask me when do I want to take my meal and she'll treat me sumtimes if im in "pokai" time.. and now when she's gone.. situation arent the same as before... im alone and i just have gondon...! seriously am alone.. I dont know why.. maybe if u're in ma shoes.. then you'll know why am i feeelinggg sooo lonely at this time... mybe cuz other arent same as Maliha and gondon.. only Them that reallyyy know me bettterr and only them understand me better than other..! its real!! I feel her absence... but I accept her decision.. eventhough i dont know where would she go after this.. but I trust she can success her life after this... "

errr... sudah2 laaa ckin... banyak sangat jiwangnye puwn! mal! ko jangan nakk sengeh2 plak bile bace nie! aku tampo ko jugak nanty! gondon! aku sayang kao jugak! even takde pasal ko lagi dalam blog nie.. sebab ko tak purgii meningggalkan aku lagi.. ko nak ade cite pasal ko dalam blog nie.. ko pindahh skarang..! bhahahaha!! eh jangan.. eh purgy.. eh jangannn.. purgyyy~~


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